More information

In-home interview

  • Home interviews are informal (much like a chat) and take up to 2 hours.
  • You don’t need any special knowledge or preparation (or tidying up!) – it’s OK if you continue some of your usual tasks (e.g. preparing dinner) during the interview.
  • Interviews will not cover any sensitive questions.
  • Interviews are arranged for a time that suits you.
  • Interviews will be recorded with your permission.

Shopping trip

  • Shopping trip interviews are informal (much like a chat) and take up as much or as little time as you would usually take.
  • Interviews are arranged for a time and place that suits you.
  • Interviews will be discreetly recorded with your permission.

Photo diary

  • In your own time take photos of your day-to-day household food and eating routines – what actually happens! It might include anything from food prep, cooking, snacks, recipes, storage, defrosting, appliances, utensils, plates, trips to the shops or markets, box deliveries, cleaning and mess, take-aways and home deliveries, eating out or eating at home, eating inside or outdoors, BBQs, TV dinners, at the dining table, feeding pets!
  • You can simply use a camera phone, otherwise a disposable camera can be provided.
  • You don’t need any special photography knowledge!
  • When you are ready, a photo interview will be arranged for a time that suits you. You will be invited to share and talk about the photos you have taken.

What are the possible risks or disadvantages?

The possible risks to you of participating in this research are minor. You are not expected to reveal any private information. This is not a nutrition study and your diet will not be evaluated, nor will the study involve calculations of your food related environmental footprint or any other such judgements or assessments. Rather the study is interested in your day-to-day food routines and how you ‘fit in’ Meat Free Mondays or meat-free products, as well as ‘what it is really like’ in your household. Participation is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.

What are the benefits of participating?

Whilst there are no immediate benefits from taking part in the study, it is hoped that the information you provide will contribute to our understanding of efforts to reduce meat consumption and inform future policies and programs related to sustainable diets and dietary change. It is hoped that you might also enjoy taking photos and sharing your stories along the way!

Ethical practice

Real names of yourself, or anyone you refer to, will not be used in any reports or publications. In other words, you will not be identified in any research findings.

The RMIT Human Research Ethics Committee has approved this study. If you have any complaints about any aspect of your participation in this research that you do not wish to discuss with the researchers, you may contact the Ethics Officer, Research Integrity, Governance and Systems, RMIT University, by phone (03) 9925 2251 or email